Math Camp 2019

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Banach-Tarskifield, an Axiom of Choice comic by Manyhills. This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0  license by Square Root of Minus Garfield.

Instructors: Shaofei Jiang, Kriti Jain

Syllabus: download here

Lecture notes:


The Math Camp introduces mathematical tools that are necessary for the first year PhD courses in Economics. Basic principles in analysis and optimization theory will be covered. This is also the first part of a two-course sequence on Math for Economics PhD students. ECO 385D (Math for Economists) will be offered in the Fall semester.


The following text will be followed: 

Additional useful text include:

Occasional lecture notes and readings will also be shared as the course proceeds.

Course outline

The following topics will be covered. The textbook chapters in the parentheses are only suggestive, and only a subset of topics in the textbooks will be covered.

Download the full syllabus here