Math Camp 2019
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The Math Camp introduces mathematical tools that are necessary for the first year PhD courses in Economics. Basic principles in analysis and optimization theory will be covered. This is also the first part of a two-course sequence on Math for Economics PhD students. ECO 385D (Math for Economists) will be offered in the Fall semester.
The following text will be followed:
An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economics Theory and Econometrics, by Corbae, Stinchcombe and Zeman (Princeton University Press, 2009)
A First Course in Optimization Theory, by Sundaram (Cambridge University Press, 1996)
Additional useful text include:
Mathematics for Economists, by Simon and Blume (1994)
Microeconomic Theory, by Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green (Oxford University Press, 1995)
Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics, by Stokey and Lucas (Harvard University Press, 1989)
Occasional lecture notes and readings will also be shared as the course proceeds.
Course outline
The following topics will be covered. The textbook chapters in the parentheses are only suggestive, and only a subset of topics in the textbooks will be covered.
Preliminaries (CSZ Ch. 1-3)
Set theory
Binary relations (example: preference)
Tarski’s fixed point theorem
Binary operations, rings, fields, real numbers
Static optimization (RS Ch. 2-6, Appendix of MWG)
Convexity (CSZ Ch. 5)
Separation Theorems and Unconstrained optimization
Constrained optimization (Lagrange multiplier method and Kuhn-Tucker method)
Quasi-Concavity in optimization
Supermodularity and monotone comparative statics
Theorem of Maxima and Envelope Theorem
Topological and metric spaces (CSZ Ch. 4-6, 10)
Metric spaces
Topological spaces
Continuity of functions and correspondences
Fixed point theorems
Normed linear spaces (CSZ Ch. 4-6, 10)
Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces
Bounded linear operators and dual spaces
Finite dimensional NLS
Lebesgue spaces
Hann-Banach theorem and separation theorems
Alaoglu theorem, weak and weak-* topology
Modes of convergence of random variables (if time permits)
Dynamic programming (SL Ch. 1-5 (selected topics))
Introductory Macro examples and preliminaries
Deterministic Models (Both Finite and Infinite Horizon Problem)
Characterization of policy function
Applications of DPP under certainty
Continuous time problems (if time permits)