Shaofei Jiang
I am a postdoc at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics and the Institute for Microeconomics at the University of Bonn. My research interests are in information economics and game theory. I received my PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.
Working papers:
Work in progress:
(Almost) full-surplus extraction with endogenous information (joint with Mark Whitmeyer)
Shaofei Jiang. (2024). Equilibrium refinement in finite action evidence games. International Journal of Game Theory, 53, 43-70.
Shaofei Jiang, Xuezheng Qin. (2019). The inequality of nutrition intake among adults in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 17(1), 65-89.
As instructor:
Academic Research and Writing, Bonn (2023)
As teaching assistant (select courses):
Microeconomics I (PhD), Bonn (2022-23)
Introductory Game Theory, UT Austin (2022)
Microeconomics II (PhD), UT Austin (2018-20) | Select TA session notes
Math for Economists (PhD), UT Austin (2019)
Probability & Statistics (PhD), UT Austin (2017-18)
Introduction to Microeconomics, UT Austin (2016)